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Vit Hit are a range of drinks made from mainly water with about an eggcup of juice concentrates in them and water-soluble vitamins in them. The vitamins are your water-soluble vitamins – Vitamin C and the B vitamins therefore the water will deliver your nutrients across your gut wall. The drinks also contain supplements:  Siberian Ginseng, a supplement taken to improve energy levels, Guarana, a caffeine to improve alertness short-term, Mate, thought to help weight loss and L-carnitine to deliver a better fat burn.  Every little bit helps in our pursuit of fitness and healthy longevity.

The vitamins and supplements make these drinks a healthier option over Coca-cola, Fanta, 7-Up etc  therefore if you are a  regular purchaser of soda drinks, I recommend Vit Hit as a healthier alternative to others drinks from the same fridge. This is especially the case, after a night out when your liver will have a clean-up (the liver uses Vit C and B Vitamins) and you may be thirstier than usual.

Vithit Juices / Sumo de frutas e Vitaminas

SKU: vihitc
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